Cosy time at Nibsy's cafe

11:27 dop.

melissa hartford uk blogger
If I can say which place I love the most in the town center, it is without a doubt Nibsy's alias gluten free cafe. With a beautiful shabby chic seating area and a beautiful interior! Although I don't have a picture of it, you can still enjoy photos from outside where we were sitting. I enjoyed my favorite cappuccino and enjoyed watching the crowds walking down the high street. Nibsy's is located a short distance from the busy high street, M&S just opposite, but it's still quite busy. But as soon as you bite into a dessert or start to feel the great taste of coffee, then the busy sounds of the surroundings will come to you as a trifle. 

Melissa Hartford england blogger coffee
~ the perfect shot of strong coffee 

Jestli mohu říct, které místo nejvíc miluji v town centre tak je to bezpochyby Nibsy's alias gluten free kavárna. S krásným shabby chic posezením a krásným interiérem! Ten sice nafocený nemám, ale i tak se můžete pokochat fotkami z venku, kde jsme seděli. Já si vychutnávala svoje oblíbené cappuccino a ráda sledovala davy lidí chodící po high street. Nibsy's je lokalizována kousek od rušné high street, M&S hned naproti, ale přesto je tu i tak docela rušno. Ale jakmile se zakousnete do zákusku nebo začnete vnímat skvělou chuť kávy, pak vám rušné zvuky okolí přijdou jako malichernost.

melissa hartford uk blogger
~ I love their huge cappuccino! it's so yummy!

melissa hartford uk blogger
~ their tables are always decorated with fresh flowers 

Melissa Hartford england blogger coffee
~ coffee first! always happy to sit there and have their yummy cappuccino or hot chocolate. What is your favourite drink when comes to meeting your bestie at town?

melissa hartford blogger

Melissa Hartford england blogger coffee
~ cappuccino with cocoa on the top

melissa hartford uk blogger

melissa hartford uk blogger

~ the best place to meet up with friends. I am always happy when they are also for Nibsy!

melissa hartford uk blogger
~ The Primark is also nearby which is good news haha! Yes, there is a high street with many shops I love, so it is also nice to pop in and then go for shopping or whatever! 

 Is there also any gluten-free café in your town/city you totally adore? Which is it? What they offer? Which is your favourite dessert/coffee from them?

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4 komentářů

  1. Sounds to be a lovely place, I wish I could stay there!
    Thanks for sharing this wonderful pictures sweetie!

  2. Tobě to sluší! Se šálkem kávy hned vypadáš naprosto spokojeně :)

  3. Jááááj, Anglie, hned bych se tam jela zase podívat! :)

    Me In Many Ways

  4. Tak to je nádhera a tiše závidím! Zahrádky už mi hrozně chybí a těším se, až je otevřou i u nás v ČR! :))


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