John Lennon glasses | River Island decor inspo
5:49 dop.Hi Lovelies. I know we all have been through hard times so I decided to show you a bit from my favourite shop here in the UK. Today I have few photos for you from River Island store - I was a little bit inspired by men's fashion here haha. The men's department of RI offers absolutely amazing sunglasses. The women's department also has an amazing selection, but I would never come across such perfect John Lenon glasses in it. What do you think?
~ decor of River Island is such an inspiration for my interior. I think next year I am gonna fall in love with everything in gold. Golden and copper was very popular last year, but for me, I was more for silver. Let's see next year!
The photos are from spring (last year). I miss shopping here so so much. What about you and shopping? Do you prefer shopping in-store or online? Let me know in the comments.
Co na RI dekor říkáte? Líbí se vám podobný styl?
1 komentářů
Já mám taky hrozně ráda River Island, mají krásné a ženské kousky, navíc mi přijde, že i kvalitní a dobře šité.
OdpovědětVymazatTobě to moc sluší, a to si myslím, že tento typ brýlí jen tak někomu nesedne, třeba já bych v nich vypadala jako pitomec :D