
Traveling section update

1:53 dop.

melissa hartford blogger
Hi again! I am happy to announce you that I decided to update the traveling section here on my blog. Don't forget to check the category TRAVELING that you can find in the top menu section. I have uploaded two categories: Traveling Czech Republic and Traveling United Kingdom. I am gonna upload more during next weeks, especially Italy, Austria, Slovakia and so on :).

melissa hartford blogger

melissa hartford blogger


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5 komentářů

  1. Těším se na cestovatelské články :)

  2. Jsem moc ráda, že zařazuješ takové články, cestování mám moc ráda a díky tobě se dozvím spoustu nového. :))

  3. Doufám, že co nejdřív se nějaký cestovatelský článek objeví :) Ráda poznávám nové místa :)



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A young woman living in the south of England. Traveling and studying as well as working in this country has motivated me to start writing about my life experience. I was only eighteen years old when determined to change my life completely. Now I am focusing on my studies and blogging, which is my biggest hobby. If you like my content, you can support me through my etsy business.

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