
Cesky Krumlov | Czech Republic


melissa hartford cesky krumlov trip czechia
I decided to post more photos from the trip to Cesky Krumlov for you. Hope you are gonna like it ♥.

melissa hartford cesky krumlov trip czechia
Enjoying the view over the river...

melissa hartford cesky krumlov trip czechia

melissa hartford cesky krumlov trip czechia

melissa hartford cesky krumlov trip czechia

melissa hartford cesky krumlov trip czechia

melissa hartford cesky krumlov trip czechia
The most lovely square I have ever seen - Náměstí svornosti (square). Lots of colourful houses that will get your heart. 

melissa hartford cesky krumlov trip czechia

melissa hartford cesky krumlov trip czechia

melissa hartford cesky krumlov trip czechia

melissa hartford cesky krumlov trip czechia

melissa hartford cesky krumlov trip czechia

melissa hartford cesky krumlov trip czechia

melissa hartford cesky krumlov trip czechia

melissa hartford cesky krumlov trip czechia

melissa hartford cesky krumlov trip czechia
~ State Castle Cesky Krumlov 

melissa hartford cesky krumlov trip czechia
~ from the castle you will see the whole town ~ the views are amazing! 

melissa hartford cesky krumlov trip czechia
breathtaking views...

melissa hartford cesky krumlov trip czechia

melissa hartford cesky krumlov trip czechia

melissa hartford cesky krumlov trip czechia

melissa hartford cesky krumlov trip czechia

melissa hartford cesky krumlov trip czechia

melissa hartford cesky krumlov trip czechia

melissa hartford cesky krumlov trip czechia

A trip to Cesky Krumlov | Czech Republic

melissa hartford cesky krumlov

Cesky Krumlov is a small lovely city in the south part of Czech Republic. It's a beautiful place for walking aroung, as there is many lovely streets and ailes that are full of romantic shops, cafes, restaurants and markets selling various products with medieval vibes. Don't miss visiting State Castle and Chateau Cesky Krumlov that is on UNESCO list with its lovely gardens.


melissa hartford cesky krumlov
The beautiful view of Cesky Krumlov with Church of St. Vitus and medieval houses alongside the Vltava river.

melissa hartford cesky krumlov
Hezké odpoledne. Dnes mám pro vás fotky z výletu do krásného Českého Krumlova, nádherného městečka v jihočeském kraji, navštíveného během léta. Pro mě je Český Krumlov jedním z nejkrásnějších měst v Česku a není divu. Spousta zajímavých uliček plné různých obchůdků, kaváren, restaurací, obchodů se suvenýry nebo malá tržnice s handmade výrobky, stejně jako návštěva zámku a zámeckých zahrad zapsaných na seznam UNESCO vás zabaví minimálně na půl dne.  
melissa hartford cesky krumlov

melissa hartford cesky krumlov
If you are a fan of rafting, you can rent a boat and make a trip on the river. Adventure is comiiing!

melissa hartford cesky krumlov

melissa hartford cesky krumlov

melissa hartford cesky krumlov
The castle garden in baroque style ~ 

melissa hartford cesky krumlov

melissa hartford cesky krumlov

melissa hartford cesky krumlov

melissa hartford cesky krumlov

melissa hartford cesky krumlov

melissa hartford cesky krumlov
~ back in the town

melissa hartford cesky krumlov

melissa hartford cesky krumlov

melissa hartford cesky krumlov

melissa hartford cesky krumlov
~ such a beautiful view of Cesky Krumlov Castle

melissa hartford cesky krumlov

melissa hartford cesky krumlov

melissa hartford cesky krumlov

melissa hartford cesky krumlov

melissa hartford cesky krumlov

melissa hartford cesky krumlov

melissa hartford cesky krumlov

melissa hartford cesky krumlov

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A young woman living in the south of England. Traveling and studying as well as working in this country has motivated me to start writing about my life experience. I was only eighteen years old when determined to change my life completely. Now I am focusing on my studies and blogging, which is my biggest hobby. If you like my content, you can support me through my etsy business.

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