Summer casual outfits | 9 pieces capsule wardrobe w/ Melissa Hartford

6:48 dop.

Good afternoon ♥. Summer is slowly over and I have a Lookbook video for you with my favourite fashion pieces that I wore this summer. I have nine pieces of clothing available, with which I made 9 casual summer outfits. The video has been on my channel since October 1st, so if you haven't seen it yet, I recommend watching it. :) Meliss.

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4 komentářů

  1. Jéé, máš v plánu dělat i nějaké podzimní? Ráda bych věděla, co se tak nosí na podzim a aby to bylo také víc dámské, či jak to nazvat :D (jak jsi o tom psala v těch cílech)


  2. Také bych ráda viděla nějaké podzimní outfity - nicméně i tohle video se ti moc povedlo, super kousky a sluší ti to! :))

    1. Děkuji moc Pavli za komentář, něco málo zkusím natočit ♥


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A young woman living in the south of England. Traveling and studying as well as working in this country has motivated me to start writing about my life experience. I was only eighteen years old when determined to change my life completely. Now I am focusing on my studies and blogging, which is my biggest hobby. If you like my content, you can support me through my etsy business.

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