
Vegan banana bread muffins with strawberries and red currant

1:06 dop.

Have you seen the photos from the grill summer party 2020? On this occasion, I baked delicious muffins from banana bread dough and they are absolutely fantastic (soo yummy) and are also vegan. I decorated the muffins with strawberries and red currants, which is not a necessity, but since we have a lot of fruit in the garden, I decided to use them and supply the muffins with a lot of extra vitamins. ♥

You can find the original recipe here.

We will need:

4 ripe bananas

3 cups wholemeal flour 

1/2 cup flour 

1/3 sweets - barley malt (jar of aprox. 400g, so we use one third of a glass)

1 cup oatmeal milk (you can use coconut, almont...)

1/3 cup cane sugar (not nessesary)

1/2 cup oil (you can use coconut oil)

1/3 cup chia seeds 

1 vanilla 

2 teaspoons baking powder

1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

a pinch of sea salt


Preparing banana vegan dough is simple and fast. First mash the bananas into a porridge and then add all the liquid ingredients, mix and then add the flour and other loose ingredients. We simply mix all the ingredients together until we have a dough that should be neither too stiff nor too liquid. Based on the consistency of the dough, either add a little oil / vegetable milk or flour. 

Pour the dough into the baking form. I poured the dough into a muffin tin and decorated with pieces of strawberries and red currantsBake at 175-180 ° C for about 40-45 minutes . It depends on the type of your baking form and the height of the dough. Done ♥

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8 komentářů

  1. To vypadá moooc dobře! :) Hned bych si dala. Ale jedině v případě, že by mi to někdo upekl, protože já na to fakt nejsem. Pokazím úplně i ty nejjednodušší recepty.. :D bohužel.

    1. Děkuji ♥ Náhodou, věřím tomu, že tohle by jsi zvládla i ty! Je to vážně jednoduché a moc dobré :)

  2. Vypadají velmi chutně, recept určitě vyzkouším - mňam! :))

  3. To vypadá parádně, škoda že zrovna nejsou čerstvé jahody! :(

  4. i like your recipe and i am trying recipe tomorrow and you are waiting my blog

  5. Ty vypadají krásně! Hned bych si jeden ke kávě dala :-)

  6. Jednu dobu jsem dělala muffiny hrozně často, až jsem se jich přejedla, ale tyhle vypadají velmi dobře, mňam!


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